At the end of the last millennium, there was once a wise little old man who claimed to have a special connectedness with the ancient Maya. Despite the fact that he himself was really of Anglo Saxon Celtic ancestry, he claimed to have been especially chosen and gifted with the unique ability to channel the spirits of our ancient Mayan ancestors which thus allowed him to reveal some extremely precise
and critically important timely understandings about the ancient Mayan culture, their most sacred revered esoteric teachings, the significance of Mayan astrology, Mayan astronomy, and to specifically unravel the complexity of their mysteries regarding the ancient Mayan calendar itself. He spoke profusely about the end times of our world (from a presumed Mesoamerican perspective) at numerous paid lectures in different parts of the United States and around the world. During the month of May 1998, he gave an end of world doomsday prediction at a prestigious Northern California university where he prophesied that this greatly feared world ending day was immediately upon us. He gave a very precise world end date of December 21, 2012. Knowing that the majority of his audience was heavily comprised of people with a so-called open-minded liberal type persuasion, he quoted from a few popular New Age publications such as: Jose Arguelles' 1987 book entitled, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, and Terence McKenna's 1993 revision of his original 1975 book entitled, The Invisible Landscape, the likes of these type of publications which spoke concertedly about this December 21, 2012 Mayan calendar end date with great emphasis (albeit concerning an earthly transformation in the case of Arguelles as opposed to McKenna's novelty theory which is more open to the prediction of a 2012 world end). Our 'end of the world predictor'continued further on by stating that the December 21, 2012 end of world doomsday date was a revealed sacred teaching of the ancient Mayan spirits being channeled given to confirm that the December 21, 2012 Mayan calendar end date was indeed accurate, and to immediately prepare humanity for a new afterlife which awaits us all in the soon to be experiencedafterworld (not to be confused with the Mayan underworld as in Xibalbá).
Now, because there were occassionally some very loud skeptics amongst the members of his audience, he thought to become a little more canny in his end world doomsday discussions by including references to some highly esteemed Mayanist scholars such as: the Russian linguist and epigrapher, Yuri Knorosov, who played the key role in decipherment of Mayan glyphs; and, the fateful trio of Joseph T. Goodman, Juan H. Martinez-Hernandez, and J. Eric S. Thompson, whose combined working efforts coalesced into what is now known as the "GMT correlation", a monumental achievement in Mayanist researchers' ability to convert the Mayan calendar dates into those of our modern Gregorian calendar. In simpler terms, by the time of these doomsday lectures in May 1998, and thereafter by our end of world predictor, it was already universally accepted by most experts that the Mayan calendar's end date did assuredly correspond to December 21, 2012. This was important; for the citing of these references helped our end of the world predictor to solidify an understanding on the importance of the December 21, 2012, Mayan calendar end date, especially amongst his primary audience; i.e., his bread and butter. But, this wasn't enough. He was still needing more. While citing these sources provided strong validation that the Mayan calendar actually ends on December 21, 2012, they did nothing to support his prediction that the end of the world would also occur on this day. Luckily, as fate would have it (no pun intended), he would come across one more extremely important Mayanist piece of literature which would not only lend credence to his end of the world prediction being channeled from beyond; it would also become a standard staple for the recitation of many doomsday predictions to follow which found their basis in the Mayan calendar's end (really only the end of 'one' very long cycle count, of many, in their overall calendrical system).
The name of this infamous source piece of literature is a 1966 book entitled, The Maya, written by Michael D. Coe. In this publication, it is forebodingly written, that: "There is a suggestion... Armageddon would overtake the degenerate peoples of the world and all creation on the final day of the thirteenth [Baktun]. Thus... our present universe [will] be annihilated [on the date December 21, 2012] when the Great Cycle of the Long Count reaches completion." (5, pg 149) Well, there he had it. This was exactly, to the tee, what our end of the world predictor was looking for. Here was a respected Ivy League Professor of Anthropology from Yale University, who received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Harvard University specializing in Mesoamerican archeology, boldly taking the unprecedented personal liberty to state a
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