Fall and Spring Semester - Session 2013–2014
- June 20
- Friday -- June 20 during the Summer- session for new Summer- session students and continuing and readmitted students to
register for the fall semester.
- June 24
- Tuesday -- Tuition bills for the fall semester
distributed to students electronically. Important Note -- is sent to the e-mail
address on the student’s record.
- June 25
- Wednesday --Tuition Fees deadline is 5:00 pm for
undergraduate students who registered for the fall semester byJune 20.
Tuition may be paid in full or in installments.
- June 27
- Friday -- Presentation for new international students.
- June 29
- Wednesday -- Presentation and testing begin for new undergraduate students.
Fall - Semester 2013
- August 24
- Friday Registration for the fall semester for new
and readmitted undergraduate students who have not yet registered. To
complete registration, new and readmitted undergraduate students must
pay tuition by
5:00 pm on August 28; graduate and law students registering for the
first time must pay tuition by
5:00 pm on September 4.
- Registration and add/drop for the fall
semester for continuing graduate students who have previously
registered. Fees for added classes (add bill) due by 5:00 pm on
September 14 for continuing graduate students.
- University residence halls open at 9:00 am.
- University Health Services benefits become available to registered students.
- August 25 - 26
- Saturday - Sunday Open registration for the fall semester for new and readmitted undergraduate students.
- Open registration and add/drop for the fall semester for continuing graduate students.
- August 27
- Monday Add/drop for the fall semester for students
who registered and paid their tuition and fees by August 15. Fees for
added classes (add bill) due by 5:00 pm on September 14 for ALL
- Registration for the fall semester for continuing
undergraduate students who have not yet registered. To complete
registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on
August 28; graduate and law students registering for the first time must
pay tuition by 5:00 pm on September 4.
- August 28
- Tuesday Registration and add/drop for the fall semester for all students.
- Deadline for graduate students to be registered in absentia for the fall semester.
- Tuition bills for undergraduate students who registered after July 20 are due by 5:00 pm.
- August 29
- Wednesday Classes begin.
- International Education Fee Scholarship (IEFS) competition begins for the Spring - semester.
- September 3
- Monday Labor Day holiday.
- September 4
- Tuesday Last day of the official add/drop period;
after this date, changes in registration may require the approval of the
department chair and usually the student’s dean. (See General Information, chapter 4, for details.)
- Last day undergraduate students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the registrar.
- Last day graduate students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the graduate dean.
- Last day law students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the dean.
- Tuition Fees deadline is 5:00 pm for graduate and law students. Tuition may be paid in full or in installments.
- September 14
- Friday Twelfth class day; this is the date the official enrollment count is taken.
- Fees for added classes (add bill) due by 5:00 pm.
- Last day an undergraduate student may add a class except for rare and extenuating circumstances.
- Last day to drop a class for a possible refund. (See General Information, chapter 4, for details.)
- Last day a graduate student may, with the required approvals, add a class.
- Last day a law student may add or drop a course without the approval of the dean.
- September 28
- Friday Second tuition Fees due for students who selected the three- Fees plan.
- October 1
- Monday Application deadline for International Education Fee Scholarship (IEFS) for Spring - .
- October 15
- Monday Last day to apply for a graduate degree.
- October 17
- Wednesday Intrasemester reports due in the deans’ offices.
- October 24
- Wednesday Last day a graduate student may change registration in a class to or from the credit/no credit basis.
- Last day to apply for a law degree.
- Last day a law student may register in absentia.
- October 25–26, October 29-October 31
- Thursday–Friday, Monday–Wednesday Academic advising for continuing and readmitted students for the Spring - semester.
- October 26
- Friday Final tuition Fees due for students who selected the three- Fees plan.
- October 29–November 9
- Daily Registration for the Spring - semester for continuing and readmitted students.
- November 1
- Thursday Application deadline for Maymester programs.
- November 6
- Tuesday Last day an undergraduate student may, with
the dean’s approval, withdraw from the University or drop a class
except for urgent and substantiated, nonacademic reasons.
- Last day an undergraduate student may change registration in a class to or from the pass/fail basis.
- Last day to apply for an undergraduate degree.
- Last day an undergraduate student may register in absentia.
- November 13
- Tuesday Tuition bills for the Spring - semester
distributed to students electronically. Important Note -- is sent to the e-mail
address on the student’s record.
- November 22–24
- Thursday–Saturday Thanksgiving holidays.
- December 7
- Friday Last class day.
- Last day to submit master’s report, recital, thesis, doctoral dissertation, or treatise to the graduate dean.
- Last day a graduate student or a law student may, with the required approvals, drop a class or withdraw from the University.
- December 8
- Saturday Reading day in the School of Law.
- December 8–9
- Saturday–Sunday Fall graduation ceremonies in the colleges and schools.
- December 10-11, 16
- Monday–Tuesday, Sunday No-class days.
- December 10-15, 17–21
- Monday–Saturday, Monday–Friday Fall semester Last examinations in the School of Law.
- December 12-15, 17–18
- Wednesday–Saturday, Monday–Tuesday Fall semester Last examinations except in the School of Law.
- December 19
- Wednesday University residence halls close at 9:00 am.
- December 21
- Friday Commissioning of ROTC graduates.
- December 22
- Saturday Official graduation date. (No public exercises.)
Spring - Semester 2013
- January 4
- Friday Tuition Fees deadline is 5:00 pm for
undergraduate students who registered for the Spring - semester by
November 9. Tuition may be paid in full or in installments.
- Presentation for new international students.
- January 7
- Monday Presentation and testing begin for new undergraduate students.
- Add/drop for the Spring - semester for students who have registered and paid their tuition.
- January 8
- Tuesday Registration for the Spring - semester for
new and readmitted students who have not yet registered. To complete
registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on
January 11; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on
January 17.
- January 9
- Wednesday Registration for the Spring - semester for
continuing students who have not yet registered. To complete
registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on
January 11; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on
January 17.
- January 10-11
- Thursday–Friday Add/drop for the Spring - semester for students who registered and paid their tuition by January 4.
- Registration for the Spring - semester for new, readmitted, and continuing students
who have not yet registered. To complete registration undergraduate
students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 11; graduate students
and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 17.
- January 11
- Friday Tuition bills due by 5:00 pm for undergraduate students who have registered but not paid.
- University residence halls open at 9:00 am.
- University Health Services benefits become available to registered students.
- January 14
- Monday Classes begin.
- International Education Fee Scholarship (IEFS) competition begins for the Summer-session and fall semester.
- January 17
- Thursday Last day of the official add/drop period; after
this date, changes in registration may require the approval of the
department chair and usually the student’s dean. (See General Information, chapter 4, for details.)
- Last day undergraduate students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the registrar.
- Last day graduate students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the graduate dean.
- Last day law students may register and pay tuition without the approval of the dean.
- Tuition Fees deadline is 5:00 pm for graduate and law students. Tuition may be paid in full or in installments.
- January 21
- Monday Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.
- January 30
- Wednesday Twelfth class day; this is the date the official enrollment count is taken.
- Last day an undergraduate student may add a class except for rare and extenuating circumstances.
- Fees for added classes (add bill) due by 5:00 pm.
- Last day to drop a class for a possible refund. (See General Information, chapter 4, for details.)
- Last day a graduate student may, with the required approvals, add a class.
- Last day a law student may add or drop a course without the approval of the dean.
- February 15
- Friday Second tuition Fees due for students who selected the three- Fees plan.
- March 1
- Friday Application deadline for International Education Fee Scholarship (IEFS) for Summer- and fall study abroad programs.
- Intrasemester reports due in the deans’ offices.
- March 11–16
- Monday–Saturday Spring - break.
- March 21
- Thursday Last day to apply for a graduate degree.
- March 22
- Friday Final tuition Fees due for students who selected the three- Fees plan.
- March 25
- Monday Last day a graduate student may change registration in a class to or from the credit/no credit basis.
- Last day to apply for a law degree.
- Last day a law student may register in absentia.
- April 1
- Monday Last day an undergraduate student may, with
the dean’s approval, withdraw from the University or drop a class except
for urgent and substantiated, nonacademic reasons.
- Last day an undergraduate student may change registration in a class to or from the pass/fail basis.
- Last day to apply for an undergraduate degree.
- Last day an undergraduate student may register in absentia.
- April 10–12, 15–19
- Wednesday–Friday, Monday–Friday Academic advising for continuing and readmitted students for the Summer-session and the fall semester.
- April 13
- Saturday Honor's Day.
- April 15–26
- Daily Registration for the Summer-session and the fall semester for continuing and readmitted students.
- April 29
- Monday Last class day in the School of Law.
- Last day a law student may, with the required approvals, drop a class or withdraw from the University.
- April 30
- Tuesday Reading day in the School of Law.
- Tuition bills for the Summer-session distributed to students
electronically. Important Note -- is sent to the e-mail address on the student’s
- May 1–4, 6–11, 13–14
- Wednesday–Saturday, Monday–Saturday, Monday–Tuesday Spring - semester Last examinations in the School of Law.
- May 3
- Friday Last class day except in the School of Law.
- Last day to submit master’s report, recital, thesis, doctoral dissertation, or treatise to the graduate dean.
- Last day a graduate student may, with the required approvals, drop a class or withdraw from the University.
- May 6–7, 12
- Monday–Tuesday, Sunday No-class days.
- May 8–11, 13–14
- Wednesday–Saturday, Monday–Tuesday Spring - semester Last examinations except in the School of Law.
- May 15
- Wednesday University residence halls close at 9:00 am (except for graduating students).
- May 16
- Thursday Tuition Fees deadline is 5:00 pm for undergraduate students who registered for the Summer- session during the Spring .
- May 17–18
- Friday–Saturday Graduation ceremonies in the colleges and schools.
- May 17
- Friday Commissioning of ROTC graduates.
- May 18
- Saturday Commencement (official graduation date).
- May 19
- Sunday University residence halls close at 9:00 am for graduating students.
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